NOTE: A great many additions have been made to this post since it was first published!
I’ve wanted for a while now to compile a list of Covid heroes (heroes & educators, I suppose) – knowing how daunting a task it would be – given how very many of them I’m aware of. Here, finally, is a messy & incomplete list of people of many stripes & professions who’ve been doing heroic work since the Covid debacle began.
What does their heroism consist of?
It’s actually pretty basic!
Should be a simple enough thing, no?
But no.
Not in these times!?
These truth-tellers are speaking out in an era so awash in lies (& censorship) from so-called “authorities” of every kind, we’re all just about drowning in them!
Heroes are not necessarily “perfect” people. I guess we all know nobody’s perfect! They are willing to stand up – stand out – for what they believe in. They have not just the energy & drive to fight for what they believe in, but also the courage to stand out from the crowd. Say things that may be unpopular. Go against current orthodoxies. Be real leaders. They are certainly not in it for money, glory or fame! Most show little or no ego about their own bravery. They’re just doing what they’re convinced is right.
Many – if not all – of these people have paid a considerable price for their heroism. Braved censure – public, personal & professional. Some have lost jobs, relationships, &/or medical licenses, & all have almost certainly been censored &/or de-platformed from various social media outlets (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram).
Truth-telling in these times bears serious real-world consequences. One has to #BeBrave.
Finally, note that millions of “regular people” are also being heroic in standing up to the real pandemic of lies, tyranny & censorship we’re engulfed in. All over the world. Soooo inspiring!!
These days appear to be a very fertile time for heroes & heroism. Like nothing I’ve seen in 35+ years of community/environmental activism. Such an inspiring thing to see!
I apologize for the many egregious omissions I am no doubt making here. The number of real heroes is wayyyyy larger than I can list or am indeed aware of. Still, an incomplete list seems better than none at all!
Important Disclaimer
My tremendous admiration & respect for these people/groups doesn’t mean I agree with all of them regarding all views & opinions they express. Nor do I necessarily agree with them on ALL issues. I almost certainly don’t share all their views on topics like abortion, climate change, politics & religion ... or the broader issues around vaccines (not just the Covid ones, which many hasten to note are not actually vaccines at all ... but let’s not get into that here).
I may not agree with all of them about where the world/our species is headed, but do heartily salute their courage, intelligence & integrity in speaking out loudly about their particular knowledge, expertise & experience on Covid-related matters ... particularly the “vaccine” that is not really a vaccine at all (it does not prevent illness as other vaccines do. WHO & CDC have conveniently changed their definitions of the terms “pandemic” & “vaccine” to suit the current agenda).
One more thing...
I haven’t been able to provide hyperlinks for all the people/groups named, but have provided a great many! Be sure to watch out for hit pieces if you go searching for Covid heroes! The Internet is full of misinformation about those who dissent from the CDC/Fauci/WHO/WEF agenda. You can’t just blindly trust Google searches (many of us no longer use that search engine) or Wikipedia or Snopes. “Fact checking” is an industry with corporate backing, & naturally enough, has its own agenda. Like mainstream media! “He who pays the piper, calls the tune.” And it has ever been thus...
“Stop the Shots!” – 42 Doctors in 9 minutes <Aug. 17/22>
Neda Amani (Ont.)
Gregory Chan (Alberta) Family physician
Francis Christian (Sask.)
Bill Code (B.C.)
Roger Hodkinson (Alberta)
Charles Hoffe (B.C.)
Kulvinder Kaur Gill (Ont.)
Dorle Kneifel (B.C.)
Ashwinder Lamba (Ont.)
Stephen Malthouse (B.C.)
Jeff Matheson (Ont.)
Eric Payne (Alberta) Pediatric neurologist. Masters in Public Health (Harvard). Clinical researcher.
Patrick Phillips (Ont.)
Richard Schabas (retired; former Medical Officer of Health for Ontario)
Chris Allan Shoemaker (Ont.)
Mark Trozzi (Ont.) Daily newsletter. Steering committee member of the World Council for Health. Much good info on his site here: This posting on August 10th is outstanding! 2-minute video that packs an important punch.
Caroline Turalek (Ont.)
Links for Canadian Medical Organizations:
Canadian Covid Care Alliance (find out about their June 2022 Citizens’ Hearing) And their Stop the Shots campaign.
Concerned Ontario Doctors See also:
Bryan Ardis (chiropractor) – knows ALL about the deadly drug remdesivir (I do not buy into his idea about Covid being put in municipal water supplies, but appreciate his real-life experience with deadly hospital protocols, including the use of deadly remdesivir)
Jeff Barkey (California)
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya – Stanford professor, MD & epidemiologist. One of the trio who pioneered the Great Barrington Declaration
Russell Blaylock (Tenn.) Retired neurosurgeon.
Peter Breggin Psychiatrist: known as “the Conscience of Psychiatry”). Co-wrote the hefty book Covid-19 And The Global Predators: We Are the Prey. (Breggin has authored many books over the span of his long career.)
Kelly Brogan (psychiatrist)
Zach Bush – “...a triple board-certified physician specializing in internal medicine, endocrinology and hospice care. He is an internationally recognized educator and thought leader on the microbiome as it relates to health, disease and food systems.”
Ryan Cole (pathologist) – very vocal on medical impacts of the injections & sudden rises in cancer.
Tom Cowan
Dan Erickson & Artin Massihi (California, I think?)
Richard Fleming (Cardiologist. Also a lawyer. What a CV!?) Bioweapons.
Simone Gold, MD & lawyer. (America’s Frontline Doctors.) Has written a book called I Do Not Consent. Currently serving a 60-day jail sentence, of all absurd things.
Scott Jensen (Minn.) Former senator in Minnesota, now running for governor of the state.
Andrew Kaufman (psychiatrist)
Dietrich Klinghardt
Pierre Kory – co-founder of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Has a book coming out called The War on Ivermectin. Writes on Substack.
Kyle-Siddell (NYC doctor who called it on ventilators killing Covid patients.)
Elizabeth Lee Vliet
Carrie Madej
Robert Malone (mRNA techology pioneer; MD, MS & researcher) The Unity Project, Global Covid Summit
Paul Marik (co-founder of the FLCCC)
Peter McCullough (Tx.) Internist/cardiologist/epidemiologist. Highly published!
Lee Merritt (former military MD)
Jim Meehan (Oklahoma) Opthamologist.
Joe Mercola (Fla.) Daily newsletters. Has written a book called The Truth About Covid-19
Meryl Nass (Maine) Internal medicine.
James Neuenschwander
Christiane Northrup (Maine)
Larry Palevsky Pediatrician (NY)
Harvey Risch (PhD, MD)
Sherri Tenpenny
Paul Thomas (Oregon)
Richard Urso
Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko (N.Y. State) Creator of the Zelenko Protocol for treatment of Covid illness. Now deceased.
Sucharit Bkakdi MD / microbiologist
Margareta Griesz-Brisson Neurosurgeon
Heiko Schoning
Wolfgang Wodarg (not sure if he’s an MD or a PhD)
Dr. Vernon Coleman (U.K.) Retired.
Dr. Clare Craig (U.K.) Diagnostic pathologist. Co-chair of the HART group.
“HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts. We came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Dr. Tess Lawrie (U.K) MD & PhD. On steering committee of the World Council for Health.
** very incomplete lists. Dig into the medical organizations listed above & below to find a great many more.
“Stop the Shots!” – 42 Doctors in 9 minutes <Aug. 17/22>
Nurses Against Lockdowns (a U.S./Canada group) on Facebook.
2 whistleblowing American nurses had shocking experiences in a New York City hospital. Hear from one here.
A nurse who has some important observations.
I am not sure where this nurse is from.
Paul Alexander (works in both Canada & the U.S. Prolific poster on Substack.)
Byram Bridle (Canada) Viral Immunologist (Ontario; Guelph Univ.)
Delores Cahill (Ireland)
Sunetra Gupta (U.K.) – Oxford professor. Epidemiologist. One of the trio who pioneered the Great Barrington Declaration.
Joel Hay (U.S.)
Heather Heying (U.S.) Evolutionary biologist – Dark Horse podcast.
Brian Hooker (U.S.)
John Ioannides (world-renowned epidemiologist; Stanford)
James Lyons-Weiler (U.S.)
Martin Kulldorff (U.S.) Harvard professor of medicine & epidemiologist. One of the trio who pioneered the Great Barrington Declaration.
Judy Mikovits (U.S.) Co-author of Plague of Corruption.
Luc Montagnier (France, now deceased)
Julie Ponesse Former ethics professor at the University of Western Ontario, now with The Democracy Fund.
Pam Popper (U.S.) Health & nutrition expert. Co-founder of Make Americans Free Again (MAFA). Author of COVID Operation: What Happened, Why It Happened, and What’s Next
Denis Rancourt (Ottawa, On)
Harvey Risch (PhD, MD)
Jessica Rose (Canadian, but lives elsewhere; Israel, I think?)
Stephanie Seneff (MIT scientist)
Chris Shaw (B.C.) Neuroscientist. Simon Fraser University, I think. Author of Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars
Vandana Shiva (India) Very long-time activist & wise woman.
Geert Vanden Bossche (Belgium) Vaccinologist is I think the correct term?
Brett Weinstein (U.S.) Evolutionary biologist – Dark Horse podcast
Knut Wittkowski (epidemiologist; U.S.-based, I believe)
Michael Yeadon (biochemist/toxicologist. former VP Chief Scientist for Pfizer) He’s been interviewed by scads of people. Highwire. Planet Lockdown. GB News. Paul Alexander. Not at all shy about expressing his views!
** a woefully incomplete list of both MDs and scientists. Just ones I’ve run across/seen on videos/seen interviewed. Dig into any of these folks (& the organizations listed below), & you’ll find many more.
‘A group of multi-disciplinary professionals, who perceived the global reaction to Covid, and lockdown in particular, as overwrought and damaging to the point of causing a great tear in the fabric of society, established PANDA (Pandemics Data & Analytics) in April 2020. As a politically and economically independent organisation, PANDA seeks to develop science-based explanations and test them against international data. Policy recommendations for governments and other institutions can be developed from these. PANDA stands for open science and rational debate, for replacing flawed science with good science and for retrieving liberty and prosperity from the clutches of a dystopian “new normal”.’
The Great Barrington Declaration – October 2020
“As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.” 930,500 signatures
Rome Declaration <Sept. 23/21> Thousands of Physicians and Medical Scientists Sign “Rome Declaration” in Protest, Launch New Information Platform
16,000 Physicians and Scientists Agree Kids Shouldn’t Get COVID Vaccine <Dec. 15/21> COVID vaccines are “irreversible and potentially permanently damaging,” says Dr. Robert Malone, who explains why 16,000 physicians and medical scientists around the world signed a declaration publicly declaring healthy children should not be vaccinated for COVID-19 Related link:
When 800 Mainstream US Scientists Warned Against Lockdowns <May 24/22>
Global COVID Summit Declaration IV <May 12/22> A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to End the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity
** there are likely many others I simply haven’t heard about.
Reiner Fuellmich (Germany/the U.S.) Corona Investigative Committee; Crimes Against Humanity Tour
Rocco Galati (Toronto. Constitutional Rights Centre)
Judicial Watch (U.S. group)
Tom Renz (U.S.)
Nicholas Wansbutter (Ontario. Don’t Talk TV: Videos on ‘Know Your Rights’)
Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (Canadian organization)
Lawyers Stand Up (Canadian)
Open Letter To Members Of Parliament (Part 1). Extraordinary letter from NZ lawyer Kirsten Murfitt.
The Free North Declaration. Canadian lawyers.
Covid Lawsuits Around The World
COVID-19 Lawsuits
** looks like none of the 3 groups above has kept their sites updated. There is now simply such a staggering number of lawsuits underway, it’s impossible to keep up!
Mounties for Freedom (they’re also on Facebook)
There’s a veterans group, also, on Facebook.
Christine Anderson – German representative in the European Union Parliament who's outspoken about Canada/Trudeau's increasing totalitarianism. Big supporter of the Canadian truckers' Freedom Convoy.
Roman Baber – former Conservative MPP in Ontario. Kicked out by Ont. premier Doug Ford. Now running for leadership of the federal Conservative party. Outspoken about mandates/lockdown measures.
Shayne Clayton Getson – provincial politician in Alberta. Vaccine-injured & vocal! You can see an interview with him here. (yes, the word politician is misspelled)
Randy Hillier – now-retired former long-time Conservative & former Independent MPP in Ontario. Outspoken about lockdowns & mandates.
Belinda Karahalios – now-former Ontario Conservative MPP also booted out by premier Ford. She was outspoken about mandates/lockdowns. Now involved in the New Blue Party.
Leslyn Lewis sounds the alarm over Sudden Adult Death Syndrome <Aug. 5/22>
Rick Nicholls – now-former long-time Ontario Conservative MPP who also ran afoul of his party/premier's policies over his views on Covid mandates/vaccines.
Brian Peckford – "Statesman Brian Peckford is the Former Premier of Newfoundland-Labrador and he is the last living First Minister who helped negotiate (with 12 other First Ministers of Canada) and sign the Constitution of Canada to include the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (1982)." Chairman of Taking Back Our Freedoms (listed below in Groups Active in Canada).
Ron DeSantis (Republican Governor of Florida): no masks, no mandates thanks! Outspoken critic of the Fauci/Biden/Gates Covid narrative.
Former Minnesota Senator Ron Jensen (also an MD) & outspoken about Covid malfeasance.
Senator Ron Johnson (Minnesota) – an outspoken voice for the vaccine-injured in the U.S.
Senator Dr. Rand Paul (Kentucky) – calls out Fauci on his lies.
British Member of Parliament (MP) Sir Desmond Swayne on "herd stupidity"
** It's almost a certainty I don't share political views with all of the above! I'm a former "lefty" who hasn't swung "right." ("Politically marooned," as Del Bigtree puts it.) I just like politicians who actually give a darn about people, & who possess the cajones to speak truth in these, the daze of Covid.
Del Bigtree – host of Highwire. Amazing weekly news show! Outstanding research/activism.
Mattias Desmet. PhD in psychology & Master in statistics. Practicing psychotherapist. Expert on the topic of mass formation. Recent book published on the topic. The Psychology of Totalitarianism Desmet is also on Substack.
Ed Dowd. Former Blackrock hedge fund manager. Gets how Wall St. works. Speaks out about Pfizer fraud. Recently interviewed on ‘Trish Wood is Critical’ podcast. Naomi Wolf interviews him on her site, here.
Catherine Austin Fitts. The Solari Report. Worked for the U.S. federal gov’t administration in the past. Understands economic/political matters like nobody else.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Lawyer, activist, author. Head honcho of Children’s Health Defense group. Dr. Robert Malone says he should receive a Nobel Peace Prize. I agree! Author of the blockbuster book The Real Anthony Fauci. He now has a new book out: A Letter to Liberals — Censorship and COVID: An Attack on Science and American Ideals. Free to download at the CHD site.
Tamara Lich Canadian woman co-organizer of the Canadian Trucker Convoy. Arrested & held in jail for clearly political reasons. Excellent review of her story here on Western Standard. On Facebook.
Dr. David Martin. Not sure what his PhD is in, but he’s an expert on coronavirus patents. Fiery guy!
Dr. Naomi Wolf. Published author for decades. Has really gone into the weeds on the fraud in the Pfizer drug trials & vaccine injuries/deaths. Her site. Also on Substack. Recent book published: The Bodies of Others.
More Miscellaneous Heroes
Daniel Bulford – former RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) guy who resigned over mandates. Took part in security at truckers’ convoy in Ottawa. Interviewed recently on ‘Trish Wood is Critical’ podcast.
Farmers around the world protesting draconian new rules that will devastate their livelihoods. (& the growing of food!) Began in the Netherlands & I believe were inspired by truckers’ convoys in Canada and the U.S.
Freedom Convoy – Canadian truckers whose convoy in early 2020 inspired the world! Tons written on this topic! I like this item:
Two documentaries I’m aware of: Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy Super Special
Andrew Lawton has written a book about it called The Freedom Convoy: The Inside Story of Three Weeks That Shook the World. Which you can’t buy at Chapters/Indigo. Hmmmm.
An Attic and a Blank Diary: Insights Into the Freedom Convoy 2022 (by Kym Kennedy) is another book about the truckers’ convoy.
Graham Hood – Nicknamed Hoody. Australian pilot who resigned from Qantas over mandates. Activist, speaker. Inspired the formation of “Hoody’s helper” groups in Australia.
Brook Jackson – American whistleblower on fraud in Pfizer vaccine trials.
Ted Kuntz – president of Vaccine Choice Canada. Super-vocal/active on all matters Covid. VCC board members & volunteers do simply amazing work. Have been doing so for decades! (Edda West, VCC’s founder, did heroic work for decades, & is still active on the VCC site.)
John Larter – another Aussie. Paramedic for 25 years. Now a close colleague of Graham Hood. (Both men recently interviewed by the Cafe Locked Out guy whose name I should know, but don’t.)
John O’Looney – funeral home owner from the U.K. who’s been vocal about what he’s seen from his angle of things. Great recent interview with him here.
Odessa Orlewicz – active & vocal in Canada (B.C.). Co-created the Liberti social network platform. Involved in production of the new documentary ‘Uninformed Consent.’
Project Veritas (U.S. group) – Undercover digging that leads to shocking revelations about all kinds of things.
Vera Sharav – Holocaust survivor who’s spoken out since the beginning. (& for decades before that!) She gave an amazing speech recently on the 75th anniversary of the Nuremberg trials. Soooo worth hearing for her personal experience of the Holocaust & her insights about history repeating itself.
Vladislav Sobolev – activist in Toronto, Ont. from early Covid days. Founder or co-founder of the groups Hugs Over Masks & We Are All Essential. Came from a former communist country (Kazakhstan) & can spot tyranny before native Canadians who naively believe “It can’t happen here.”
James Topp – ex-military guy who walked across Canada to highlight opposition to Covid mandates. He’s helping start a new coalition group called the Canadian Citizen Coalition.
NEW / ”ALTERNATIVE” MEDIA (see also Podcasts/Substackers, below)
Bitchute (videos that don’t get censored)
Black Sheep Truth Media (on Facebook)
CHD TV – from Children’s Health Defense
Druthers – Canadian monthly tabloid.
Epoch Times
Free NZ Media (I ran into them on Facebook)
GB News. U.K.-based. Amazing commentaries by Neil Oliver & Mark Steyn (perhaps others as well). I access their videos on Facebook.
Highwire (weekly online news show)
James Corbett – Canadian living in Japan. The Corbett Report.
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson – Canadian broadcaster
Kristi Leigh - U.S. Media person
Liberti – Canadian alternative to Facebook
Odysee (videos that don’t get censored)
Rebel News (Canadian media – not new, but plenty of Covid-related coverage)
Rumble (videos that don’t get censored)
Russell Brand
The Daily Sceptic This one is brand-new to me.
The Expose
The Shed – Canadian reporting on the truckers’ convoy movement & James Topp’s walk across Canada. On YouTube & Facebook.
viva frei – Canadian lawyer who does interviews. On YouTube & Rumble.
Western Standard Media outlet out of Alberta, Canada) Doing a series on Covid heroes – including church pastors, health professionals & others.
++ many others I’ve surely missed!
++ simply tons of documentaries have been/are being made on all aspects of the Covid debacle.
Humour / Satire
Babylon Bee – U.S. group that does satirical pieces on current topics. Covid. Woke-ism. Etc.
C.J. Hopkins – also mentioned below.
J.P. Sears – comedian, U.S.-based. Find him on Rumble.
** there are no doubt others I simply don’t know about.
Podcasts / Substack Writers
Dr. Paul Alexander – scientist. Has worked for WHO & the U.S. federal government. Far too prolific on Substack to keep up with. Veers onto many topics not Covid-related.
Margaret Alice Anna – amazing items on Substack! Her latest is an absolute blockbuster. A MUST-read!!
Dr. Byram Bridle – Ontario scientist also on Substack. Bridle Chronicles.
Charles Eisenstein – simply amazing writer/thinker! (U.S.-based)
Common Sense
Dark Horse podcast – husband & wife team Brett Weinstein & Heather Heying (evolutionary biologists)
el gato malo – funny & smart postings (& lots of them!)
eugyppius: a plague chronicle – intelligent Covid commentary.
Martin Geddes (U.K.) – His Substack is Future of Communications.
Tara Henley – former CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) journalist who quit over CBC’s increasingly biased (“woke”) “journalism” in recent years. Lean Out is the title of her Substack.
C.J. Hopkins – American novelist/playwright/satirist based in Berlin. The Consent Factory.
Paul Kingsnorth – a Brit (lives in Wales). Fabulously articulate man.
Steve Kirsch – American philanthropist. Prolific on Substack. Founded VSRF group in the U.S. Outstanding item here:
Dr. Pierre Kory – co-founder of the FLCCC, is on Substack. As is the FLCCC itself I think??
Dr. Robert Malone – mRNA vaccine pioneer. Now a huge dissenter. (see also MD section)
Mark Crispin Miller – NYU professor of media studies. Expert on propaganda. News from Underground. Outstanding recent speech.
Toby Rogers – prolific on Twitter & Substack. Utobian.
Dr. Jessica Rose – biologist & mathematician. Prolific on Substack.
Julius Ruechel – Thoughtful Canadian.
Trish Wood – Former award-winning CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) journalist. Great podcasts at ‘Trish Wood is Critical.’ She is interviewing a TON of heroes! On Substack also.
** There are soooo many more. People are speaking out like mad these days! I am not subscribed to all these Substack-ers, as I can’t possibly read them all. As always, the disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse ALL views & opinions expressed by these individuals.
Brownstone Institute **Simply tons of articles. Including great summary pieces on the inefficacy of masks & lockdown measures.
Children’s Health Defense ** great newsletters chockfull of information. Also has a TV channel – CHD-TV
Friends for Freedom – a global directory of freedom-defending organizations.
Highwire – simply outstanding weekly online news show. ** sends out a weekly summary with links of items covered in previous week’s broadcast.
** and ever so many more!?
Can’t seem to keep up on this front! My sincere apologies for omissions.
Be sure to check out Friends for Freedom – a global directory of freedom-defending organizations.
There is plenty of cooperation happening among these various groups! Sooo many groups, it’s a bit dizzying. But as I say, much collaboration & cooperation among many of them. And also with the active & vocal police & nurse groups, & the doctor & lawyers who are speaking up.
Canadian Women for Freedom (Facebook group)
Freedom Rising - A directory of allies standing together for freedom ** where you will find many-many more groups named!
Take Action Canada (on this site you’ll find info about other groups, resources, & events)
Unity Movement - B.C. group sharing great resources
Vaccine Choice Canada VCC has recently helped produce a fabulous documentary called ‘Uninformed Consent There is TONS of info on the VCC site.
++ many-many Facebook groups!
Regarding vaccine injuries/deaths...
Check out OpenVAERS.
VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) is the U.S. federal government’s official vaccine injury & death reporting system. It has its problems! Be sure to read the Harvard study on the OpenVAERS site about the massive under-reporting of vaccine injuries & deaths – which goes back decades. As it turns out, many nurses & doctors are not even aware of the existence of VAERS & their own responsibility for reporting vaccine injuries & deaths!
On that note: Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths <April 30/21>
CAERS – Canadian Adverse Events Reporting System
Sites for Reports of Injury and Death from the Covid Vaccines
A Compilation of Vaccine Reactions (Jan. - Sept. '21)
The Maddie deGaray story: 12-year old girl from Cincinnati who was in the Pfizer vaccine trial & had a horrific reaction. A long interview with her parents, who tell the horrible story of what happened to their daughter Maddie.
#CanWeTalkAboutIt: Global Campaign Aims to Break Silence Around COVID Vaccine Injuries <July 22/22> In interviews with The Defender, the founders #CanWeTalkAboutIt said they hope to break the culture of silence around COVID-19 vaccine injuries by encouraging people to share their personal vaccine injury stories.
** there are likely many more! Facebook deletes groups that talk about vaccine injury/deaths. Many things seem to offend FB these days! It’s very easy to violate their “community standards.”Or offend YouTube’s so-called “terms of service.” Censorship is rampant! But then, you already knew that...
Musicians Singing Out!
Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy ~ We Will Not Comply
Hi-Rez & Jimmy Levy - This Is A War (Official Video)
"Sad Little Man" by Five Times August (Official Music Video) 2021
I Will Not Be Leaving Quietly Five Times August
Jesus, what happened to us? Five Times August
"God Help Us All" by Five Times August
Just Say No!
I've been called the Queen of Quotations (due to my very large collection after compiling inspiring ones for 30 years or so now), so I could go nuts here. I'm not going to, though. You can find lots more at Quotation Central on Janet's Planet.
For now, just these:
“Fear is the virus.
Courage is the cure.”
"We are not meant to fit in. We're meant to stand out." – Sarah Ban Breathnach
“4 Rules for Life:
Show up.
Pay attention.
Tell the truth.
Don’t be attached to the results.” – Angeles Arrien, U.S. teacher, author (1940 – )
p.s. finally, this: I could keep adding to this posting forever! I have to stop now, post it, & move on with other things ... or get snagged forever! It will have to remain an incomplete record, with my sincere apologies for no-doubt numerous inadvertent, even egregious omissions. I have made quite a few additions (in various categories) since first posting this - having finally figured out how to edit already-posted posts!
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
~ Krishnamurti
Excellent post. Thank you so much!! 🙏🏼💜🙏🏼