It’s Not Rocket Science!
A few things about the Covid scene that are definitely not rocket science.
Note: this is not an exhaustive list! I can think of other things. But ... these will do for now.
1. Mask-wearing
2. “Omicron variant”
3. Testing
4. Fear of the un-vaxxed
5. Vaccine passports
6. Vaccine “hesitancy”
7. Deaths and injuries post-vaccine
8. Your own social circle
9. If this vaccine is so miraculous, why then...
10. Following the money
1. Mask-wearing. Have you noticed that the packages masks come in make no claims about preventing viral transmission? Pretty simple to test this out. Take a look at one. Or several! (Never mind, even, the whole idea of the advisability – health-wise - of re-breathing our own exhaled out-breath, i.e., carbon dioxide. Nor the absurdity of masks used over & over & over again, hanging on rear-view mirrors in cars – or wherever. Utterly, utterly, utterly un-sterile.) ** Plenty more on masks, & quite a bit else besides, here.
2. The scary ‘Omicron’ variant. How can it be rocketing dangerously around the world when the only people flying these days are double (even triple!) vaxxed? How do you hang that on the “un-vaxxed?” (see this item)
3. The testing method that set off the whole “pandemic” hysteria? The PCR test – invented by biochemist Kary Mullis? This man – who btw in 1993 received a Nobel prize for his invention – was crystal clear about the fact that it cannot be used to diagnose illness. (There are tons and reams of intriguing learnings and lessons about PCR tests – by all means go down into the weeds on it; it IS what the whole Covid response has been based on, so it’s important! And there’s plenty of information available.** One excellent source for more.)
4. Fear of the un-vaxxed. If the so-called vaccine against Covid works (‘though one seemingly has to keep getting successive doses as well as rather frequent, possibly endless? “boosters”) why would the already-vaxxed FEAR the un-vaxxed? If the injection actually works to protect you from illness, it works. If it doesn’t and you need to fear those who have not had it; well ... uh ... I guess it doesn’t, then? And then, well – um ... what exactly is it for?
5. Vaccine Passports. U.S. CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Director Rochelle Walensky admitted quite some time back now that the vaxxed can both get & transmit “Covid illness” (Bill Gates, a man, who, for the record, possesses neither an MD nor a PhD, echoes this here ). If this is the case, what in the world, then, must the purpose of vaccine “passports” actually be? This is worth pondering for a moment ... as the implications are rather profound. (Check out the writer Naomi Wolf on this topic.

She’s pretty eloquent about it. Another NW item.
6. Anyone considered “vaccine hesitant” is now pretty much persona non grata in the world, hmm? We are the modern-day lepers! A couple years back I heard Dr. Vinita Dubey, Toronto’s Associate Medical Officer of Health, provide a definition of “vaccine hesitant”:
“Reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines”
(from her presentation to the Toronto Board of Health on April 8, 2019)
Note: The availability of vaccines. No language about their contents, safety or efficacy.
I for one happily admit to being “vaccine hesitant” after looking over the “working list of possible adverse event outcomes” laid out in an FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) internal powerpoint presentation made on October 22, 2020 (i.e.,three months prior to rollout).
I’d have to say that’s not rocket science, either.
My reluctance to “get with the program,” I mean. Would you agree?
And hey ... how come most people have never had access to this information? A simple common sense question.
AND, importantly - what about INFORMED CONSENT? You cannot provide your informed consent to any procedure (or injection) - for yourself or your children - if you have not been fully, properly informed about its risks and possible side effects.
This just in! Pfizer Admits ‘Large Increase’ in COVID Jab Side Effects
7. Regarding deaths and injuries, post-vaccine? From VAERS, the U.S. government’s official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System? However much these authorities may criticize and downplay its importance, VAERS is their official record-keeping mechanism. Here’s a sampling of outstanding statistics from the OpenVAERS site
As of December 3rd.
19,886 deaths
102,857 hospitalizations
8432 cases of anaphylaxis
11,896 cases of Bell’s Palsy
16,918 cases of myocarditis/pericarditis (an increase of about 1500 from the previous week)
** find more info here
Importantly, as pointed out on the OpenVAERS site, since vaccine injuries/deaths have long been known to be under-reported by as much as 99% (no, I’m actually not making that up. Read the study for yourself here ), we can be pretty sure these statistics are vastly, vastly under-representing the true, full, actual picture of “adverse event outcomes” from the Covid injections.
Highly cited COVID doctor comes to stunning conclusion: Gov’t ‘scrubbing unprecedented numbers’ of injection-related deaths <April 30/21> U.S. MD Dr. McCullough
Not rocket science. Just ... numbers. Numbers you aren’t hearing from mainstream media sources.
I wonder why?
8. Your own circles of friends/neighbours/colleagues/family/loved ones. With a massive scary “pandemic” raging all over the globe, we might each be expected to know scores of people afflicted & dead or dying. Has this been the case, in your own life? I have yet to be able to cite one single solitary human being of my close acquaintance (I know quite a lot of people, what with decades of activism under my belt!) who has been seriously ill. One single person who has been hospitalized. One single person who has died from “Covid-19.” Not one. Not even one. (I do have one acquaintance from the activist community whose husband died in hospital. I am certain it was classed a “Covid death,” though this man had been unwell for some time, I understand, and had at least one serious “co-morbidity” that I’m aware of; likely others I’m not. I am not convinced his death can truly be attributed to “Covid illness.”) I’m also aware that the average age of death from Covid in Canada is 83. It seems this is not a young person’s disease, not at all. Nor a disease threatening the middle-aged. Nor even one seriously affecting seniors under 70, actually! It appears quite as though this “covid illness” is eminently survivable – without vaccines. With early treatment protocols ... a topic outside the scope of this essay. (If you wish, look up Dr. Zev Zelenko. Dr. Peter McCullough. America’s Frontline Doctors. Canada Health Alliance – and many other sources - for information on the topic of early treatment.)
9. If this vaccine is so wondrous – so absolutely “safe and effective!” – why have the pharmaceutical companies (that routinely pay out massive fines for illnesses and deaths caused by their other products) been released from liability for injuries/deaths resulting from the use of these injections? Why have governments felt the need to coerce and bribe people ... with lotteries? Doughnuts and hamburgers? Lapdances, even, apparently, for the love of God. Why did the Mayor of Toronto feel obliged to leave a message about vaccine clinics on my answering machine the other day? (He has certainly never felt the urge to contact me about anything ever before!) They are really pushing it hard, aren’t they? Why all the heavy-handed coercive tactics? The firings? The mandates? The vaccine passports? And why the heck is Pfizer asking the U.S. government to wait 75 years before releasing information about the approval of their injections? (See article here. )
Finally ... we come to # 10. The money.
10. Following the money is always extremely important!
Here are a few indicators (Yes, I’ve been amassing this list for a while now).
8 Top Pfizer, Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer After Media Hypes Omicron Fears <Dec/ 7/21> Global Justice Now on Saturday released data showing “just eight top Pfizer and Moderna shareholders” and their CEOs made $10.31 billion since the new COVID variant, Omicron, emerged, but doctor who discovered it says it’s mild, and may even be useful.
Secret Vaccine Contracts Reveal How Pfizer Strong-Armed Governments to Maximize Profits <Oct. 20/21> In a report published Tuesday, Public Citizen exposed how Pfizer, through secret contracts, used its monopoly on COVID vaccines to extract concessions from “desperate” governments.
‘Unconscionable’: Pfizer, Moderna to Rake in Combined $93 Billion in 2022 COVID Vaccine Sales <Oct. 19/21> A report by health data analytics group, Airfinity, projects “unprecedented” sales and profits for Pfizer and Moderna in 2022. According to the People’s Vaccine Alliance, the companies are pricing their vaccines by as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production.
Pfizer, Moderna Eye Windfall Profits as COVID Booster Rollout Begins <Sept. 27/21> One analyst predicted COVID boosters alone will bring in about $26 billion in global sales next year for Pfizer — who splits profits with BioNTech — and around $14 billion for Moderna if the shots are endorsed for nearly all Americans.
Big Pharma Eyes Next Childhood Vaccine Cash Cow — mRNA Vaccines for RSV <August 19/21> Now that COVID vaccines have established mRNA technology as the “new frontier for vaccine development,” pharma giants have set their sights on an mRNA vaccine for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — which they hope to add to an already overburdened childhood vaccine schedule.
FDA Approves Boosters for Immunocompromised, Pfizer and Moderna Set to Reap Billions From Sales of Third Shot <August 13/21>The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized a third COVID shot for immunocompromised patients. The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have not been fully approved, and neither company has completed late-stage clinical trials proving a third dose will work.
Pfizer Projects $33 Billion in COVID Vaccine Revenues, Driven by Boosters and Vaccines for Kids <July 29/21> Pfizer hiked its projections for COVID vaccine revenues, telling investors this week it expects booster shots, a vaccine targeting the Delta variant and anticipated authorization of its vaccines for children as young as 6 months will drive revenues higher.
5th Exec Joins Moderna Billionaire Club — as Stock Price Soars Despite Growing Number of Injury Reports <June 16/21> For the fifth time since the onset of the COVID pandemic in early 2020, the skyrocketing price of Moderna stock has produced a billionaire, but the vaccine is coming under increasing scrutiny for possible links to blood clots and heart inflammation.
9 New ‘Vaccine Billionaires’ Amass Combined Net Worth of $19.3 Billion During Pandemic <May 25/21> A new report by People’s Vaccine Alliance reveals how Big Pharma’s monopoly on COVID vaccines generated a massive increase in wealth for a handful of people.
Pandemic: follow the real money, the unthinkable amount of money <May 12/21>
Moderna Expects $18.4 Billion in Sales from Its COVID-19 Vaccine This Year <March 21/21>
Bill Gates: Vaccines Are ‘Phenomenal’ Profit Makers <March 16/21> “Bill Gates — What You Were Not Told,” reviews the personal and professional background of the Microsoft mogul, including a statement revealing his real motive for investing in vaccines — their 20 - 1 return on investment.
Pfizer’s COVID Vaccine Could Become Most Lucrative Drug in the World <March 18/21> Pfizer’s vaccine is already the second-highest revenue-generating drug in the world. Once the pandemic ends, the vaccine maker plans to hike prices.
Pfizer expects to make $15 billion in sales from its COVID-19 vaccine this year <Feb. 2/21>
Global Vaccine Market Forecast to Surpass $50 Billion by 2024 <March 14/19>
Message to Congress: Big Pharma’s Trail of Greed, Power, and Cruelty Must Be Stopped <Aug. 7/19>
Pfizer Pays $2.3 Billion to Settle Marketing Case <Sept. 2/09>
In Conclusion
Soooooo, Gentle Reader – while there is simply gobs more to know about every single aspect of this “terrifying pandemic” - from ACE-2 receptors & ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) & asymptomatic transfer & censorship & coronavirus patents since 2003 ... to the WHO’s real agenda (& other WHO-ish things) and the Zelenko Protocol – a veritable A – Z of important sub-topics! - you won’t hear about any of this massive complexity from mainstream media.
Does that make you a little bit curious?
In a day or so I’ll post a busy list of information & resources about doctors, lawyers, nurses, police officers, politicians, lawsuits, documentaries - and groups active on all matters Covid. I know very well that it’s fine to have information about a problem - but you also need to have information on what is being DONE about it.
And what YOU can do.
Meanwhile, I advise developing an attitude of skepticism toward mainstream media, who are not informing you of most (if any) of what I’ve talked about here.
In fact, have a look at these musings on why it’s not at all wise to trust mainstream media.
I’m often reminded of something the very wise Albert Einstein once articulated ever-so-eloquently and succinctly:
Question Everything
Seems like pretty good advice to me!