We (humans) make plans.
The gods, as they say, laugh.
Things go ass over teakettle...
as they also say.
It all becomes a raging dumpster fire.
We live now in a world gone utterly mad.
Never mind 6 ways to Sunday.
What to do, what to do??
Well. We go on.
For as long as we've got.
One day at a time.
Though some days/daze, going on feels impossible.
We do it. We go on.
A phrase I once coined? "Cut your losses. Go where the energy is."
Some days?
It feels like all loss.
& no energy.
We go on.
We maybe
take the garbage out
floss our teeth
read a novel
do a load of laundry
make a pot of soup
go for a walk
take up meditation
smile at a stranger
pay the bills
just do nothing
Just stand still!
surrender (yes-yes-yes; of course there are times to resist. To fight. To raise a little Hell. But not when one is feeling utterly depleted.) Some days? Some days, you just have to rest.
Always Always Always
doing our best to remember to count our blessings.
Since any of us reading this almost certainly have quite a few!
And why do any of this effortful stuff - this keeping on, keeping on stuff?
'cos we can do hard things!
p.s. maybe we even let ourselves get inspired! The interview/conversation here is certainly an inspiring one. Educational. Illuminating. Insightful. Candid. Wise. Helpful to the "wounded healer" in all of us. The "cracked vessel" each one of us surely is. I soooo enjoyed it! Needed to hear that we can all actually get along with one another - we need not be helplessly, hopelessly, endlessly & ruthlessly (& deliberately) divided (& conquered). The conversation is good medicine!