Memes for Moms & Dads
There's sure a lot I'd do differently if I were starting on the motherhood journey over again! Ai-yi-yi. If only I'd known all those years ago all I know now...
I do believe it’s true!
This is also true.
& this!
My computer is positively groaning under the weight of all the memes I’ve got stored in it. Well, if computers groaned, that is.
l just ran across a folder full of parenthood-related ones & thought “What the heck - might as well share these in a post!”
I suppose I should mention that I’m a Mom. A Grandma, too. I’ve done lots of neat things in my life, to be sure. Motherhood & grandmotherhood are definitely right at the top of the list!
So here goes.
These are in no particular order, but I do think they’re all pretty helpful!
And, to repeat myself…