My 3 Top Favourite Quotations
Oops. Sorry! Make that 4. (It's still a very short posting, though.)
Here goes:
“Example is not the main thing in influencing others, it’s the only thing.” – Albert Schweitzer
“Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.” – Karen Kaiser Clark
“It’s one of the secrets of the world. We all have the key to one another’s locks. But until we start to talk, we don’t know it.” – Michael Silverblatt (Related posting: Conversation is the Whole Darn Karmic Enchilada
“4 Rules for Life: Show up. Pay attention. Tell the truth. Don’t be attached to the results.” – Angeles Arrien (U.S. teacher, author (1940 – )
Oh heck. Let’s just make it an even 5, shall we?? (Well, 6 if we include the Mark Twain one…)
“I do not want to talk about what you understand about this world. I want to know what you will do about it. I do not want to know what you hope. I want to know what you will work for. I do not want your sympathy for the needs of humanity. I want your muscle.” ~ Robert Fulghum
If, like me, you find yourself energized by inspiring quotations, please consider visiting my old site – JanetsPlanet – & checking out the ‘Quotation Central’ section. It’s got OODLES of good quotations – in a whole bunch of different categories. From A - Z, pretty much (well, W, but who’s counting?)
You’re bound to find a gem or three there!
Blast. One more!
“Only connect. This is how we make meaning. This is how we learn to think as Nature thinks.” – Gregory Bateson, anthropologist
And hey, for some more inspiration, check out this very cool project: Americans Who Tell the Truth. In the Covid era, one might quibble about some of the inclusions. Or, for that matter, exclusions. But still. It’s a very inspiring project!