Helluva mess, from what we hear & see.
Beyond diaster. Beyond nightmare. Sometimes language doesn’t quite do justice to what’s really going on.
Going to share 2 Substacks here in case you haven’t been hearing a lot. Mainstream media have not been telling us much!
The first item is from Celia Farber, a long-time journalist I greatly admire, & whose Substack I support. Posted yesterday (Sept. 30th). Powerful images & tweets.
2nd item is from the Coffee & Covid guy, who himself was in the path of the early part of the hurricane at his home in Florida. Posted today.
Lawyer Jeff Childers has a very large following on Substack. He does this cool thing from time to time of hosting “multiplier” events to raise large sums of money for worthwhile causes. He’s doing one of them right now - you may want to take part. Please also spread the word about it!
Two other items I’ve seen:
Southern Appalachia After Hurricane Helene: What the Media Won't Tell You
Also from Celia Farber, some amazing background on the history of manipulating weather, &, in particular, “seeding” hurricanes.
Who knew? It’s pretty shocking.
And also proof positive - if you still needed any - that the folks who run the planet are batshit crazy. And have been, for a very long time.
And, but … don’t let it all make you feel powerless (though admittedly, that’s kinda the way it makes me feel!?)
We can choose to make a donation - however large or small - & be of practical help to people who badly need that help right now.
“We the people” need to step up, since it does not appear the U.S. government has plans to be of practical support.
p.s. a week later. For a variety of reasons, I don’t post a lot lately. I am in the habit, though, of reading quite a few Substacks. On this topic of the hurricanes (now we’re onto Milton!?) & weather engineering, government agency incompetence/malfeasance, etc., I do recommend following Coffee & Covid 2024, Celia Farber and the Breggins (Dr. Peter & his wife, Ginger). They’ve been posting a lot, & it’s all worth reading. Many others are posting about it all too. Thank heaven for Substack!!
A former female military vet was interviewed today who lives in an area only damaged by high winds and some flooding that is about 30-50 miles from Asheville, but nobody is dead. She went up to Ashville to check her relatives up there were ok. She estimates 1000s are dead and not recovered by the overwhelming stench. She says do not give any money to FEMA as FEMA is not delivering even needed water and formula to those trapped without them in flooded homes where they remain. FEMA is collecting data but not helping anybody. It sounds like a FEMA repeat of LaHaina HI that the locals reported of confiscation of incoming food that didn't make it timely to victims. All the help is citizen to citizen. The head of FEMA and his superiors need to be investigated for treason and tyranny and misconduct in office and The Biden Harris Administration is ultimately responsible. I think Harris just lost the election as public opinion is turning rapidly against her and Biden, as people are learning this is Katrina only on steroids. Over 50% of the nation seem to have awareness of geoengineering and chemtrails and have wanted that stopped ever since Tennessee passed legislation that could include that but without any enforcement mechanisms.
I had the summary news about 24 hours into NC, with a lot of photos but not much info. Info was coming from one source seeking help, maybe the same source you have? I didn't realize that the far eastern part of Tennessee was affected. Then I looked at it. I didn't realize Ashville NC was so close to Chattanooga relatively. The death toll mentioned here is higher. I've only heard over 100 dead, maybe 600-800, with 1/3 of them in Ashville. In 1910 Ashville was hit by a hurricane that flooded the downtown, so based upon a sepia toned photo that was shown, it appears a hurricane hit Asheville before. What I don't understand was some reference that people in need of help believe another hurricane is still coming which they won't survive without help.