They don't go according to plan (or our expectations) in our own lives
… let alone out there in the wider world.
Now, I could go all over the place with this. Get all wordy & go on for ages - as I am all too wont to do. And as I first intended when I starting musing about doing this post.
But let's just keep it simple here.
On Saturday, I had modest plans for my day.
make a batch of granola
& a pot of soup
Pretty simple stuff.
But I had a nagging headache, & to be honest, was feeling kinda crappy.
My kitchen was so bloody hot, I couldn't make myself stay in there long enough to mix up & bake the granola. (I'll spare you details on the various absurdities & inadequacies of life in this apartment...)
I had a lazy day instead.
Read my novel.
Finished watching 'Pride and Prejudice.'
Really thought I was going to make the soup!
but ... just couldn't make myself do it.
Instead I had a grilled cheese sandwich & some carrot sticks for supper.
I did get motivated to mix up a batch of seed bread that was actually on my agenda for tomorrow (i.e. today, as I write this).
In the evening I watched 'L.A. Story' - a silly old Steve Martin film that made me laugh out loud several times. Also a bonus!
The movie reminded me about the beautiful, haunting music of Enya.
Then, on Sunday?
It was a gorgeous morning.
I felt like a new human!
Got the seed bread baked (it's supposed to sit out for hours before baking; even overnight).
Went for a long walk by the lake, then had a chat with a neighbour.
Located my old Enya tapes - & played them. They still work!!
(I listened as I was making the granola.)
All this is just a small snapshot.
Like a photograph that only captures a moment in time.
There are so many roads I could go down.
So many things I could muse on - especially on the premise that things don't go according to plan/expectation, & have certainly not done so in my own little life.
Lots of things I could say about the state of the world in these troubled, troubling, chaotic times.
Maybe I'll write something soon about things I find grounding these days?
In the midst of the ever-ramping insanity of human endeavour on Planet Earth.
Meanwhile, I'm going to do my best to remember this sage advice:
“Think big thoughts, but relish small pleasures.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.
These wise words too:
“I have learned to live each day as it comes, and not to borrow trouble by dreading tomorrow. It is the dark menace of the future that makes cowards of us.” – Dorothy Dix
& this…