Know Anyone Who is Pregnant?
Or hoping/planning to be? Some (very) important things to pass along.
If you do know of someone who's pregnant - or planning to be - I hope you'll consider sharing this post with her (or them).
For those who know me - & my writings - yes, I'm entirely a broken record on this topic. 🙂 🙁
But most of the world is not familiar with me/my writings. I'm not exactly famous or anything. Heh heh. As if.
And this posting has a couple of bombshells in it that are worth your hearing about.
Especially if you're pregnant, or love someone who is, or who plans to be.
The truth is, mothers basically have to become heroes these days, in order to do their best job at raising & protecting their children! More on that below.
Let's Get Straight to the Bombshells!
Bombshells from the WHO - the World Health Organization.
The what-I-consider-bombshells were revealed by the world's so-called "health experts" on vaccines.
At the 'Global Vaccine Safety Summit' held in Geneva back in December 2019.
I learned about the jaw-droppers from the January 20, 2020 episode of Highwire - the one called 'WHO is lying to you.'
& which I was reminded of a while back, & decided to watch again.
The world's "experts" on vaccines dropped these bombshells:
Many of the world's doctors have become "wobbly" regarding their trust in vaccines. Whoa. Who knew?? One certainly doesn't hear them admit it!
Specifically? Their assumptions about vaccine safety.
MDs receive no more than half a day's training on the topic of vaccines when they're in med school. (this I already knew)
There is actually very little understanding of how the "adjuvants" in vaccines work. Really?? Yikes. As in, you "experts" of all people are really supposed to understand this stuff!
Or how the large number of vaccines routinely administered to infants from Day 1 on react with one another synergistically. Especially considering the many different "antigens" & the different "adjuvants." Not to mention the myriad other vaccine ingredients ... which the average Jane Q. Citizen is likely utterly unaware of, I might add (links on this below).
More science on vaccine safety is needed & must be studied - although the WHO's Head Scientist had made the very opposite claim a few days before the conference - lauding them as very safe & the world's vaccine safety surveillance systems wholly reliable - in no uncertain terms. Yet her remarks during the conference said quite the opposite ... as you'll see if you watch the recordings from the WHO conference.
The term "anti-vaxxer" should be abandoned. So said a very senior WHO scientist. Who knew??
Here's the real kicker!
Pregnant women are the "next target population" for vaccines.
They actually came right out & said this! In December of 2019. I'm not making it up!
Even though there is no science to establish their safety for this "target population." Even though use for pregnant women is an "off-label" use. Even though the FDA has no information establishing that vaccines are safe for use by pregnant women.
Freaking jaw-dropping!!
Watch the full episode here.
The WHO stuff starts at about 36 minutes in.
I do recommend viewing the full episode - especially for anyone new to the vaccine issue. Heck - just watch the first 10 minutes if you've never watched Highwire before! Those few minutes will surely grab/intrigue you.
I might add that the world "vaccine experts" (so-called) at this conference were not aware that the proceedings would soon become available to a much wider audience via Highwire. As HW host Del Bigtree mentions, the show has its sources now (doctors & scientists & concerned citizens) ... all over the world.
Note: there are a few more jaw-droppers below. Please keep reading!
Who Knew??
The pharmaceutical/vaccine industry has been free from liability for any/all vaccine injuries/deaths since 1986, when the U.S. Congress passed legislation releasing it from liability.
After which time, the childhood vaccine schedule went into overdrive. It kind of went exponential! Today's infants & children receive a huge # of vaccines compared to the pre-1986 era.
Go here to see comparisons between “then & now” - province by Canadian province.
"Informed consent" has actually never been part of the deal with the medical community & parents, vis-a-vis childhood vaccines. Even though MDs receive "inserts" with risks/possible side effects in the boxes of vaccine vials (and even more lengthy product "monographs" are available online), they do NOT pass this information along to parents. Mind-boggling, but true. The posting Fun with Vaccine Inserts covers this topic pretty thoroughly, & I really recommend you (or any pregnant or hoping-to-be pregnant woman) will read it! Some of those possible side effects are pretty hair-raising! Death is among them. No, I'm not making that up.
Canadian source for monographs U.S. source for monographs
Other vaccine ingredients? U.S. source. Canadian source.
Read the Fine Print, Part Two—Nearly 400 Adverse Reactions Listed in Vaccine Package Inserts <August 14/20>
Faith in the vaccine paradigm (which has, in the Covid era, reached historic lows) has been passed down from one generation to the next - for generations now. I myself never thought to question it as a mother in the early 1980s (to my now-eternal regret) ... & never really did so until I became a grandmother ... although I never took to flu shots for the very reason that my mother & stepfather used to take them faithfully & were invariably repeatedly sick with flu afterwards. That just didn't make sense to me, so I refrained. Yet failed for many decades to connect the dots about the vaccine paradigm as a whole.
And of course not knowing that there has been resistance to the paradigm going back into the 1800s, even. This item establishes that quite clearly.
But. The mantra "safe and effective" has been drilled into all of us for so long (for generations now), that we failed to see it as just a clever PR slogan! We all (or most of us at any rate) just kind of assumed vaccines are as wholesome as mother's milk & apple pie. A sacred cow, if you will.
When in actual fact, the childhood vaccines are not even subject to proper double-blind, placebo safety testing! They're exempt from pre-licensure safety testing. And instead of inert placebos being used in the testing that is done (by the pharmaceutical industry, I might add), other vaccines are used as so-called "placebos.”
I know!
I'm not making that up.
You can find a long, detailed explanation of the sad, sordid history of (the lack of proper) vaccine safety testing in this "white paper."
Or just check out this 1-page brochure.
Or a very short (recent) explanation here - in a 1-minute video.
Nor have vaccines in any sense "saved humanity." But please don't take my word for it!
The Impact of Vaccines on Mortality Decline Since 1900—According to Published Science <March 12/19>
One more smallish but rather important thing most folks are not aware of? MDs are paid to administer vaccines to y/our children. The more shots they give, the more they are paid. A substantial amount of money! No wonder they make such a fuss when you don't want to go along with the recommended CDC schedule! Or will even kick you out of their practice!
Oops. Can We Back Up A Minute?
To begin to grasp how all this unbelievable insanity came to pass (& continues to be perpetuated), you need to understand the deep levels of corruption & collusion involved in the U.S. political scene & the "health care" scene.
The pharmaceutical industry has simply enormous power. I've heard repeatedly that this industry has more lobbyists in Washington, D.C. than Big Oil. Or many other big industries/corporate entities. They buy politicians. It's that simple. (A recent Substack essay by James Kunstler used a brilliant phrase to the effect that Big Pharma "rents so many members of Congress, especially the Democratic Party." Rather nicely put, I thought.)
Public "health" agencies collude. Vaccines are mandated. CDC keeps adding more & more to the schedule (the mRNA Covid vaccine has been added to the childhood schedule, for example, down to 6 months of age!), & when CDC (a very corrupt agency) adds a new one, it is simply "recommended" (mandated, really) to the population. The industry not only profits hugely from sales & has no liability, they don't even have to advertise! The public "health" agencies do their footwork for them. How is it the new ones get added? CDC's ACIP (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) committee votes on them. And all the ACIP members have close ties to the pharmaceutical industry.
I really wish I was making all this up!
I guess I forgot to mention that the so-called "regulatory agencies" like FDA are not really regulators at all, but promoters of the whole shebang. Same story for all the big corporations. Big Oil. Big Chemical (e.g. pesticides). Big Agriculture. The nuclear industry. Utterly bought regulatory agencies. Unbelievable corruption & collusion.
Maybe you knew all this already?
Some of us (like me!) "got it" ages ago about corrupt nuclear regulators. Big Oil & pesticide regulators. But foolishly neglected to connect the dots to all the other so-called "regulatory" agencies. Bums, all of them. Though "bums" is far too mild a term. By a (very) long shot.
So... Why Care?
Because vaccines DO routinely harm (even kill) infants & children.
MMR shots & seizure risks from Physicians for Informed Consent.
I'll just stick here with the childhood vaccines, though I could write plenty about flu shots, the Gardasil vaccine (now being actively promoted here in Toronto, where I live, on the sides of streetcars, & about which a very great deal could be said & whole books have been written; ugh & sigh ... but not here), & the Covid vaccine.
And our dear children & grandchildren are now all at hugely higher risk of contracting autism & chronic diseases of all kinds, & autoimmune conditions, & allergies & asthma & eczema ... etc. than they were when I was a kid (the 1950s) & received hardly any vaccines - or even when my own children were young (early 1980s) - before that 1986 release from liability. (Autism used to hit 1 in 10,000. Now it's up to 1 in 34, 1 in 22 boys. Possibly higher in some jurisdictions.)
Much can be learned about the CDC, all things Covid/Covid vaccine, deaths of children/pregnant women, etc. (as well as various other important health matters) at the Children's Health Defense site. Use the Search bar to find out more about particular topics. Note that CHD has a TV channel, & that there are scads of great interviews & programs & documentaries.
Mothers Basically Have to Become Heroes!
The entire medical community - the entire public health scene (which it pains me to type without quotations around the word "health") - is arrayed against you.
It wants you to take shots while you're pregnant.
On the day you give birth?
They're lined up to give your brand-new infant a Vitamin K injection & a Hep B vaccine. (Vitamin K shots have a "black box" warning on the label, & why the heck would a brand-new infant need a vaccination for Hep B - an illness s/he will not likely encounter for likely close to 20 years? Most infants are not sharing needles or having sex, right?)
They're coming at your infant with shots up the wazoo - & you have to be awfully determined, & strong to resist all this pressure.
The culture will throw the epithet "anti-vaxxer" at you if you question any of it. You'll likely upset friends & relatives. You may even have to fight your own spouse tooth and nail! (As an environmental activist I used to find very often it was the woman of the household who got curious about pesticides, say, or that landfill proposal planned for the neighbourhood. 'Cos Moms are always thinking about their kids' health & well-being. Dads sometimes need to be brought along. Sometimes you really have your work cut out for you! The pooh-pooh-ers are everywhere.)
Dr. Andrew Wakefield once said
“We are here on this Earth now not because of doctors or public health, we are here because of maternal instinct.”
Maternal instinct is not a made-up thing!
It's real, it's powerful, and our children need us to listen to it, & heed it when it tells us something is not right. Often our intuitions are bang on, & we need to heed them!
This brochure says that vaccination is the most important decision parents will ever make. It took me 63 years to realize how true that statement is. Unfortunately.
You can get a great overview of the vaccine issue by reading this letter written by RFK Jr. in 2019.
Some Things Are Not Rocket Science!
We all know it's considered unwise to drink alcohol or coffee during a pregnancy - yet we accept a doctor’s advice that it's fine to inject a whack of vaccines whose contents we are not properly informed about? Or encouraged to be even slightly curious about, even?? With no science on how they will affect you - or your fetus? No product "inserts" offered to you that lay out the risks & possible side effects?
If vaccines are so "safe and effective," why doesn't the pharmaceutical industry stand behind its products & accept liability for vaccine injuries/deaths?
If childhood vaccines (or any others for that matter) actually work, why should it matter that my child/all children be vaccinated? If your child's vaccination "works," why would you need to care about other people's children's shots?? (If your Covid vaccine actually works, & I'm not even going to go there here, why does it matter to you that I have one? If yours works, it works. Right??)
What the heck ever became of the principle of informed consent?? If vaccines are so "safe and effective," why not proactively share those product "inserts" or "monographs," let us read them, & then roll up our sleeves/our children's sleeves - if we choose - once we've become properly informed? #WhatAreTheyHiding?
Why is it that our naturopaths are now not even permitted to discuss vaccines with us? Isn't this all getting a little, I don't know … totalitarian or something?
Vis-a-Vis Pregnant Women?
I've been writing about vaccines since my deep dive into the issue back in early 2016 (there's a very partial list below).
Why? 'Cos I'm a Mom. And now, a Grandma.
I've got quite a long history by now of delving into a topic, then writing about it. My focus for many years was on environmental activism. I went into the weeds on a great many different environmental topics between the late 1980s & 2020 or so. I was both an activist & a writer. Seems to be in my blood. And hey - sometimes that blood boils! There sure is a lot of pollution & nastiness & corruption on Planet Earth. Whoa! 🙁 🙁 🙁 I used to think I'd seen everything - but I can honestly say that nothing has shaken my world the way the vaccine issue has!
Along the way I did 2 postings directed at pregnant women/mothers of young children:
Dear Abigail / Young Mom <March 2018>
Dear Kate/Expectant Parent <April 30/19>
And Then?
Then, while we were all living our lives & making plans & all that jazz, along came the Covid era.
Right on the heels of Highwire's brilliant Jan. 2020 episode about the WHO bombshells.
I won't go down the Covid road here. Been there & done that, though sadly I didn't get any T-shirt 🙂 - on both my old site & here on Substack - vis-a-vis the Covid debacle.
I do just want to mention that the Covid mRNA vaccine has been placed on the CDC's recommended childhood vaccine schedule. For infants as young as 6 months.
That's important for you (& all of us!) to know.
A Few Parting Words of Advice?
That apply not just to the vaccine issue - but to all issues?
Question Everything (Heck, Einstein said it, not me!)
Be curious!
Do your own research! Please please please please pretty please!
And please - whatever you do, do NOT trust mainstream media for ... well, for anything!? Reliance on mainstream or legacy media has led us all down many a bad path. (See my previous post on this score. Many memes that explain a lot about how mainstream media - TV, newspapers, movies, etc. - have manipulated us all. Also for generations.)
Great Resources for Plenty More Information
Children's Health Defense **an amazing resource!! Tons of articles. Tons of good videos.
Med Science Research Many-many research papers on all matters vaccine
Vaccine Papers Lots of info about aluminum adjuvants
Vaccination The Most Important Decision Parents Will Ever Make
** Very important essay on Immune Activation: Vaccines and the Developing Brain, by Dr. Russell Blaylock, a now-retired neurosurgeon. A long article, ever so worth reading! & btw note, he specifically addresses the dangers of vaccinating pregnant women. Very important article!!
If that link should happen to go wonky? A similar article:
The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for A Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders –By Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
Good Stuff to Check Out on Substack
A Midwestern Doctor
Toby Rogers, PhD (Utobian)
Dr. Paul Thomas (Kids First 4Ever)
** I don’t align with Lies are Unbekoming on all issues, btw, but do recommend looking over the many posts about vaccines.
** There are tons of other good sites I could cite!? & videos/films/documentaries.& books. Ai-yi-yi. Trust me, there is no shortage of good information on this so-important topic!
A Few of My Postings Over the Years (not in chronological order)
Note: many-many-many articles & videos & materials of all kinds have been scrubbed from the Internet in the past several years. Censorship is ever-ramping. This means that some of the links in my old postings are now duds. Sadly, not a durn thing I can do about that… 🙁
Why I'm an "Anti-Vaxxer" ** top-viewed post on my S-stack
Vaccines: Quick Takes Because a picture really can be worth a thousand words!
Vaccines: Miscellany, A - Z Info on Vitamin K, for example + many-many other topics
Aluminum & Mercury: Neurotoxins in Vaccines ** top-viewed post on my old site
Science Quotes Many of which are actually directly relevant to the current medical/vaccine scene
A Final Word? (I promise!?)
I can never put all the stuff I've learned about vaccines over the past 8 years into one post. There's just way too much of it! So very-very (very) much I've learned. I go back to old postings sometimes & find gems (resources, memes) I'd completely forgotten about. I also want to point out that I know of many horror stories - affecting both people I know & love, & many others I've heard about, & from. I am not sharing those stories in this post. I don't want to overplay my hand here. Just keeping it all very factual. Though I am actually beyond horrified by the whole vaccine scene, to be perfectly honest. Nothing has rocked my world more - in a bad way - & that’s the truth.
I do hope what I've shared here will make you curious - since curiosity is the very best place to begin.
“Curiosity is the first step down the path of awakening.” Sign spotted on a church billboard one time
Finally. I was once given a button that says "Never never never give up." (Winston Churchill) I have it on a card, too.
For me? This is a hill worth dying on...
And hey! If you want to get a more personal take on me & my anti-vaxxer career? I was interviewed by the writer of the Unbekoming Substack. You can find that here:
You are a lying POS.
noun: adjuvant; plural noun: adjuvants
a substance that enhances the body's immune response to an antigen.